(It) uses bridges playfully to knit together communities on both sides of the river…and made friends with floods in a highly sustainable manner.”


“尽管资金有限,设计师们依然创造出如此诗意的湿地修复项目…这不仅仅是一个湿地公园,你几乎可以感受到设计师的手笔,感受到水流 在这里得到净化。
With little funding, the designers of this wetland restoration project were still able to make something poetic. . . It just doesn’t look like a wetland – you can see the hand of the designer. You can tell they’re actually cleaning the water with the design”


“哈尔滨群力雨洪公园应对季风气候下的城市雨涝问题,巧妙运用三角洲地带传统农业的基塘技术,建立了一个具有雨洪滞蓄、自我净化、 乡土生境营造以及地下水补充等综合功能的城市绿色“海绵”,不仅有效解决了内涝问题,还为新区市民提供优美的游憩场所,带动了周边 土地价值的提升。”


“尺度令人印象深刻,蜕变惊人,细节处理非常完美。娴熟的植被栽种展示了对园艺的深刻理解。这是一个净化水体的伟大环境筹略。一个 美丽的作品。
The scale is impressive, the transformation is amazing, and the detail is wonderful. The sophistication of the planting shows a strong understanding of horticulture. This is a great environmental strategy to clean up the water. It is a beautiful work.”


“ 仅仅一条“绿荫里的红飘带”,就使一片荒野、脏乱的城郊结合部变得生机勃勃,妙趣横生。“寻常景观”与“白话的城市”恰恰满足 了人的需求。这是一个最大限度地利用场地原有资源的设计,用最少的人力、最简单的元素、最经济的做法,创造了一个真正节约、并为城 市居民提供尽可能多生态服务的可持续景观,体现了节约和可持续的景观设计理念。


Arresting architectural forms playing off natural vegetation create a sensory experience. Nice work!”
