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Shenzhen Qianhai Public Space Design International Competition won the bidding plan, which

Release time:2019-09-06 02:26:35 Author:admin

The consortium of South China University of Technology Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing Turen City Planning and Design Co., Ltd. and Southeast University Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. was awarded the first winning bidder in the Qianhai Public Space Design International Competition.

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On August 5, 2019, Shenzhen Qianhai Development Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. announced the final results of the International Competition for Qianhai Public Space Design, South China University of Technology Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing Turen City Planning and Design Co., Ltd. and Southeast The consortium of University Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. was awarded the first winning bidder, and will undertake the design task of the Qianhai core area group project, and help the construction of the new city center in the Bay Area.

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Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone is the strategic fulcrum of the “One Belt and One Road” and the new core engine of innovation cooperation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. It will become a new center for the future and unique international bay city. In January 2019, the Qianhai Administration officially issued a public announcement for the “International Competition for Shenzhen Qianhai Public Space Design”, attracting 42 consortiums of more than 100 top design agencies from around the world to sign up.
After more than eight months of intense design, two rounds of fierce competition, the design concept of "the jungle green cavity in the city" finally stood out from the seven finalists and won the first place in the competition. This is also the first demonstration project of Qianhai to explore the responsibility of the whole process designer.

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The project faces urban challenges of strong development, space oppression, diversified demand, slow-moving safety and hot and rainy areas. The design takes “green cavity” as the core concept, integrates the relationship between urban public space and urban architecture, environment, transportation and crowd demand, and builds an integrated, functional and multi-dimensional urban landmark public space.

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The project plan is jointly led by the leading domestic urban and architectural design, landscape design and bridge design companies. The architects, landscape architects and bridge designers of the three design units will conduct extensive and close cross-border cooperation in Qianhai. Together to create Qianhai's urban composite space business card.

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